I apologize for the broad question. But I have a list of IP addresses, and would like to connect them to the companies they came from.
I\'m not interested in identifyin
The http://ipinfo.io API (my own service) returns the company name as the org field:
$ curl http://ipinfo.io/
"ip": "",
"hostname": "stackoverflow.com",
"city": null,
"region": null,
"country": "US",
"loc": "38.0000,-97.0000",
"org": "AS25791 Stack Exchange, Inc."
You can get just that field by adding /org to the URL:
$ curl http://ipinfo.io/
AS25791 Stack Exchange, Inc.
You can combine this with some other commands to do a bulk lookup of all of your IPs and see what company they belong to:
$ cat ips.txt | xargs -I% curl -s http://ipinfo.io/%/org | paste ips.txt - AS25791 Stack Exchange, Inc. AS32934 Facebook, Inc. AS15169 Google Inc. AS36647 Yahoo
You can find out more details about the API at http://ipinfo.io/developers.