I\'m enjoying emberjs a lot and would like to take the next step in a couple of my small, mobile apps and precompile my Ember/Handlebars templates as part of my build process.>
Look at the code for the official ember-rails gem at https://github.com/emberjs/ember-rails
While it's not a node.js project, it does show you how to precompile the templates using the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline, and it includes all the necessary Javascript code that you would need to do it in Node without having to hack together a solution that you'd have to maintain on your own.
More specifically, look at vendor/assets/javascripts/ember-precompiler.js and lib/ember-rails/hjs_template.rb
I'm far from an expert on Node (obviously, Rails is more my thing).. but I think those two files should point you in the right direction. Basically, you're going to want to concatenate ember-precompiler.js (which acts as a "shim" for lack of a better word) with ember.js and then call EmberRails.precompile to compile your templates.