The following is probably not optimized, but its complexity is the one your interviewer requested.
First create a list of (a,b,c) values for each couple of points (N² complexity)
--> (a,b,c) stands for the cartesian equation of a straight line a*x+b*y+c=0
Given two points and their coordinates (xa, ya) and (xb, yb), computing (a,b,c) is simple.
Either you can find a solution to
(if (xb-xa) != 0)
alpha = (yb-ya)/(xb-xa)
beta = ya - alpha*xa
a = alpha
b = -1
c = beta
or to
xa = gamma*ya+delta
xb = gamma*yb+delta
(you get the point)
The solvable set of equations can then be rewritten in the more general form
a*x+b*y+c = 0
Then sort the list (N² log(N²) complexity therefore N²log(N) complexity).
Iterate over elements of the list. If two sequential elements are equal, corresponding points are collinear. N² complexity.
You might want to add a last operation to filter duplicate results, but you should be fine, complexity-wise.
EDIT : i updated a bit the algorithm while coding it to make it more simple and optimal. Here it goes.