I track web visitors. I store the IP address as well as the timestamp of the visit.
ip_address time_stamp 1301654105 1301654106
For giggles sakes, here is an UPDATE hack that accomplishes what you need. There are a myriad of reasons not to implement this, including but not limited to the fact that it may simply stop working some day. Anyway, assuming you have your table initially ordered by ip -> timestamp, this should (usually) give you the correct answers. Again, this is for completeness, if you implement this, look up the risks beforehand.
ip_address varchar(max),
time_stamp decimal(12,0),
cnt int
INSERT INTO #TestIPs (ip_address, time_stamp)
SELECT '', 1301654105 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654106 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654354 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654356 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654358 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654366 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654368 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654422 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654105 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654106 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654354 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654356 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654358 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654366 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654368 UNION ALL
SELECT '', 1301654422
DECLARE @count int; SET @count = 0
DECLARE @ip varchar(max); SET @ip = 'z'
DECLARE @timestamp decimal(12,0); SET @timestamp = 0;
SET @count = cnt = CASE WHEN time_stamp - @timestamp > 10 THEN @count + 1 ELSE CASE WHEN @ip <> ip_address THEN 1 ELSE @count END END,
@timestamp = time_stamp,
@ip = ip_address
SELECT ip_address, MAX(cnt) AS 'Visits' FROM #TestIPs GROUP BY ip_address
ip_address Visits
------------ ----------- 3 3