I\'m trying to start or restart Unicorn when I do cap production deploy
with Capistrano 3.0.1. I have some examples that I got working with Capistrano 2.x using so
I'm just going to throw this in the ring: capistrano 3 unicorn gem
However, my issue with the gem (and any approach NOT using an init.d script), is that you may now have two methods of managing your unicorn process. One with this cap task and one with init.d scripts. Things like Monit / God will get confused and you may spend hours debugging why you have two unicorn processes trying to start, and then you may start to hate life.
Currently I'm using the following with capistrano 3 and unicorn:
namespace :unicorn do
desc 'Restart application'
task :restart do
on roles(:app) do
puts "restarting unicorn..."
execute "sudo /etc/init.d/unicorn_#{fetch(:application)} restart"
sleep 5
puts "whats running now, eh unicorn?"
execute "ps aux | grep unicorn"
The above is combined with the preload_app: true and the before_fork and after_fork statements mentioned by @dredozubov
Note I've named my init.d/unicorn script unicorn_application_name.
The new worker that is started should kill off the old one. You can see with ps aux | grep unicorn
that the old master hangs around for a few seconds before it disappears.