I am trying to implement Dijkstra\'s algorithm in python using arrays. This is my implementation.
def extract(Q, w):
for i in range(l
I needed a solution which would also return the path so I put together a simple class using ideas from multiple questions/answers about Dijkstra:
class Dijkstra:
def __init__(self, vertices, graph):
self.vertices = vertices # ("A", "B", "C" ...)
self.graph = graph # {"A": {"B": 1}, "B": {"A": 3, "C": 5} ...}
def find_route(self, start, end):
unvisited = {n: float("inf") for n in self.vertices}
unvisited[start] = 0 # set start vertex to 0
visited = {} # list of all visited nodes
parents = {} # predecessors
while unvisited:
min_vertex = min(unvisited, key=unvisited.get) # get smallest distance
for neighbour, _ in self.graph.get(min_vertex, {}).items():
if neighbour in visited:
new_distance = unvisited[min_vertex] + self.graph[min_vertex].get(neighbour, float("inf"))
if new_distance < unvisited[neighbour]:
unvisited[neighbour] = new_distance
parents[neighbour] = min_vertex
visited[min_vertex] = unvisited[min_vertex]
if min_vertex == end:
return parents, visited
def generate_path(parents, start, end):
path = [end]
while True:
key = parents[path[0]]
path.insert(0, key)
if key == start:
return path
Example graph and usage (drawing is generated using this nifty tool):
input_vertices = ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G")
input_graph = {
"A": {"B": 5, "D": 3, "E": 12, "F": 5},
"B": {"A": 5, "D": 1, "G": 2},
"C": {"E": 1, "F": 16, "G": 2},
"D": {"A": 3, "B": 1, "E": 1, "G": 1},
"E": {"A": 12, "C": 1, "D": 1, "F": 2},
"F": {"A": 5, "C": 16, "E": 2},
"G": {"B": 2, "C": 2, "D": 1}
start_vertex = "B"
end_vertex= "C"
dijkstra = Dijkstra(input_vertices, input_graph)
p, v = dijkstra.find_route(start_vertex, end_vertex)
print("Distance from %s to %s is: %.2f" % (start_vertex, end_vertex, v[end_vertex]))
se = dijkstra.generate_path(p, start_vertex, end_vertex)
print("Path from %s to %s is: %s" % (start_vertex, end_vertex, " -> ".join(se)))
Distance from B to C is: 3.00
Path from B to C is: B -> D -> E -> C