I am trying to implement Dijkstra\'s algorithm in python using arrays. This is my implementation.
def extract(Q, w):
for i in range(l
Implementation based on CLRS 2nd Ed. Chapter 24.3
d is deltas, p is predecessors
import heapq
def dijkstra(g, s, t):
q = []
d = {k: sys.maxint for k in g.keys()}
p = {}
d[s] = 0
heapq.heappush(q, (0, s))
while q:
last_w, curr_v = heapq.heappop(q)
for n, n_w in g[curr_v]:
cand_w = last_w + n_w # equivalent to d[curr_v] + n_w
# print d # uncomment to see how deltas are updated
if cand_w < d[n]:
d[n] = cand_w
p[n] = curr_v
heapq.heappush(q, (cand_w, n))
print "predecessors: ", p
print "delta: ", d
return d[t]
def test():
og = {}
og["s"] = [("t", 10), ("y", 5)]
og["t"] = [("y", 2), ("x", 1)]
og["y"] = [("t", 3), ("x", 9), ("z", 2)]
og["z"] = [("x", 6), ("s", 7)]
og["x"] = [("z", 4)]
assert dijkstra(og, "s", "x") == 9
if __name__ == "__main__":
Implementation assumes all nodes are represented as keys. If say node(e.g "x" in the example above) was not defined as a key in the og, deltas d would be missing that key and check if cand_w < d[n] wouldn't work correctly.