I am trying to implement Dijkstra\'s algorithm in python using arrays. This is my implementation.
def extract(Q, w):
for i in range(l
This is not my answer - my prof did it much more efficiently than my attempt. Here is his approach, obviously using helper-functions for the repetitive tasks
def dijkstra(graph, source):
vertices, edges = graph
dist = dict()
previous = dict()
for vertex in vertices:
dist[vertex] = float("inf")
previous[vertex] = None
dist[source] = 0
Q = set(vertices)
while len(Q) > 0:
u = minimum_distance(dist, Q)
print('Currently considering', u, 'with a distance of', dist[u])
if dist[u] == float('inf'):
n = get_neighbours(graph, u)
for vertex in n:
alt = dist[u] + dist_between(graph, u, vertex)
if alt < dist[vertex]:
dist[vertex] = alt
previous[vertex] = u
return previous
Given a graph
({'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}, {('A', 'B', 5), ('B', 'A', 5), ('B', 'C', 10), ('B', 'D', 6), ('C', 'D', 2), ('D', 'C', 2)})
the command print(dijkstra(graph, 'A')
Currently considering A with a distance of 0
Currently considering B with a distance of 5
Currently considering D with a distance of 11
Currently considering C with a distance of 13
id est:
{'C': 'D', 'D': 'B', 'A': None, 'B': 'A'} => in random order