I am new to zookeeper. I have configured it on a single machine. But I came across the words \"ensemble\" and \"quorum\" in the documentation of zookeeper.
Can anyone pl
This answer is for those who still have doubt understanding Ensemble and Quorum
. Ensemble is nothing but a cluster of Zookeeper servers, where in Quorum defines the rule to form a healthy Ensemble. Which is defined using a formula Q = 2N+1
where Q
defines number of nodes required to form a healthy Ensemble which can allow N
failure nodes. You will understand about this formula in the following example.
Before I start with an example, I want to define 2 things-
Cluster: Group of connected nodes/servers (now on will use node
) with one node as Leader/Master and rest as Followers/Slaves.
Healthy Ensemble: A cluster with only one active Leader at any given point of time, hence fault tolerant.
Let me explain with an example, which is used commonly across while defining Ensemble and Quorum
3 = 2N+1 => N = (3-1)/2 = 1
. So when the next failure occurs (either connection or node failure), no node will be elected as Leader, hence the Ensemble won't serve any write/update/delete services, hence the states of the client cluster remains consistent across zookeeper cluster nodes. So the Leader election won't happen until there is majority nodes available and connected, where Majority m = (n/2)+1
, where n
stands for number of nodes available when the previous election happened. So here, 1st election happened with 3 nodes (as its a 3 node cluster). Then there was a 1st failure, so remaining 2 nodes can conduct election, as they have majority m = (3/2)+1 = 2
. Then 2nd failure happened, now they don't have majority as there is only one node available for election, but the majority required is m = (2/2)+1 = 2
. 4 = 2N+1 => N = (4-1)/2 = ⌊1.5⌋ = 1 //floor(1.5)=1
5 = 2N+1 => N = (5-1)/2 = 2
.6 = 2N+1 => N = (6-1)/2 = ⌊2.5⌋ = 2
(even number) nodes tends to allow same number of failure as of n-1
(odd number) nodes