Using devise, how do i make my Sign Up as my landing/welcome page and then after sign up they go inside the site to the Profile/signed in area?
I am trying to figure out
I find it easiest to root to the desired authenticated landing page and just use a before_filter to force the user to sign in/sign up first via a before_filter.
In this case, let's say your "signed in area" is a controller/action called profile/index.
In your routes.rb, set the root to profile/index.
root :to => 'profile#index'
Then in your profile_controller, set the following before_filter.
before_filter :authenticate_user!
This will automatically push a logged in user (or one that logged in earlier and set a Remember Me cookie) straight to the profile page. Any unauthenticated users will automatically end up on Sign In. You'll want a link (or separate tab) on that page to Sign Up as well.