I am using python xmlElementTree and want to assign or modify a xml element value based on its attribute. Can somebody give me an idea how to do this?
For example: Here
You can access the attribute value as this:
from elementtree.ElementTree import XML, SubElement, Element, tostring
text = """
elem = XML(text)
for node in elem.find('phoneNumbers'):
print node.attrib['topic']
# Create sub elements
if node.attrib['topic']=="sys/phoneNumber/1":
tag = SubElement(node,'TagName')
tag.attrib['attr'] = 'AttribValue'
print tostring(elem)
forget to say, if your ElementTree version is greater than 1.3, you can use XPath:
or you can use this simple one:
for node in elem.findall('.//number'):
if node.attrib['topic']=="sys/phoneNumber/1":
tag = SubElement(node,'TagName')
tag.attrib['attr'] = 'AttribValue'