I\'m trying to use Room as singleton so I didn\'t have to invoke Room.databaseBuilder()
-which is expensive- more than once.
@Database(entities = ar
Here's how i figured out...
@Database(entities = [MyEntity::class], version = dbVersion, exportSchema = true)
abstract class AppDB : RoomDatabase() {
// First create a companion object with getInstance method
companion object {
fun getInstance(context: Context): AppDB =
Room.databaseBuilder(context.applicationContext, AppDB::class.java, dbName).build()
abstract fun getMyEntityDao(): MyEntityDao
// This is the Singleton class that holds the AppDB instance
// which make the AppDB singleton indirectly
// Get the AppDB instance via AppDBProvider through out the app
object AppDBProvider {
private var AppDB: AppDB? = null
fun getInstance(context: Context): AppDB {
if (appDB == null) {
appDB = AppDB.getInstance(context)
return appDB!!