I am an electrical engineer who has recently discovered the need to modify the code in the MBR. Basically I need the ability to execute code on the HDD before, the OS starts up
The BIOS boots the computer from the hard drive (or floppy drive) by reading the first sector (512 bytes) of each boot device and checking for a specific set of signature bytes. If those bytes are found, the 512 byte sector is copied to ram (at a specific position) and BIOS jumps to run it.
Other then the signature bytes, 446 bytes in the sector are available for you to use as your boot program, but the boot program must fit entirely in that sector! Since 446 bytes isn't very large, you will have to make BIOS calls to copy other sectors off the hard drive (or floppy drive, or whatever) into ram to run those.
Once you've loaded enough into ram to run your program, jump to it and you're good to go.
That is how an operating system literally "pulls itself up by it's own bootstraps"
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record
Now, there's no reason you couldn't write the boot code in C or C++ (or most anything else) except that with assembly, you know exactly what code will be generated and it's easy to make BIOS calls.
I would suggest you write a 512 byte disk drive to ram copier that loads your program from the disk into ram, and then jumps to the start address of your program. You can then write your program in any language you want. Keep in mind that when your boot code starts running, those 512 bytes are the only thing you can count on as in the ram. (Well, the BIOS is there you can make BIOS calls. The BIOS will also place some system information at certain places in ram...) If you want to call any functions you've written that are outside that sector, you have to load them into ram yourself.
Also, the easiest way to test your code will probablly be to put it on a floppy disk and boot off that.
To answer your original question, you could keep a backup copy of the old MBR somewhere, and your new MBR could load your function into ram, run it, then load the original MBR and run that, allowing windows to continue booting.
Also, Michael Burr is right, getting what you want done is going to be a nightmare.
In answer to your comment about how to actually write this on the hard drive, there are several "raw write" programs that can copy to a sector on the disk. Also, you could just boot off a linux live cd and use dd to write your data to the sector of your choice on the block device of your choice. -- Simple as pie that part.