I want to build an RCP-Application with a target platform which is a directory with Maven/Tycho.
Now I have some troubles that the dependencies could not be resolved.
Create a repo from your plug-ins and upload it to a http server ( like apache ) and point your tycho pom to the repo
This example is for the mac and eclipse 4 but with some tweaking you can make it work on other platforms.
first create a src folder on the desktop. In this folder create 2 folders : features plugins
Now copy your plugins in the plugins folder and features in the features folder.
Then create an empty destination folder somewhere ( upload this folder to your server)
for this example I created both my folders on the desktop to keep it simple
Then I do this :
destination folder : /Users/yves/Desktop/repo
source folder : /Users/yves/Desktop/src
Terminal app : cd /Applications/Eclipse4
./eclipse -debug -consolelog -nosplash -verbose -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher -metadataRepository file:/Users/yves/Desktop/repo -artifactRepository file:/Users/yves/Desktop/repo -source /Users/yves/Desktop/src -compress -append -publishArtifacts
The repo folder now contains a repo of your target platform. Upload it, adjust the pom and build.