I want to build an RCP-Application with a target platform which is a directory with Maven/Tycho.
Now I have some troubles that the dependencies could not be resolved.
Tycho requires p2 metadata in order to resolve dependencies in your build. This is why a folder with just bundles and features can't be used.
However you can convert your folder into a p2 repository by using the Features and Bundles Publisher Application. After you have done this, you can to reference the folder as "Software Site" location through a file:
URL in your target definition file. Then Tycho will also be able to use it.
Note however that you should first be asking yourself if you really need to do this: Are the features and bundles in your folder really not available in any p2 repository? If they are, it is strongly recommended to not run the Features and Bundles Publisher on them (or you may be causing violations of basic assumptions of p2 which may lead to problems that are typically only visible to your users). Instead, you should reference these features and bundles directly from the p2 repository, e.g. via "Software Site" location in your target file.