After I read about Hover Zoom being evil (yikes!), two articles made me instantly switch to another one, called Imagus:
The fieds can contain a JavaScript function or a Regex.
If one of them is empty, that step is skipped, e.g. no url and res just loads from link's output.
A simple example is the xkcd filter:
Finds links to xkcd comics. If you're unfamiliar with regex, anything between the parentheses is saved and can be used in Imagus as "$n" to refer to the nth capture. Note that if there's a "?:" after the first parentheses it wont get captured.
This simply appends "/info.0.json" to the address from link.
if ($._[0] != '{') $ = null;
else $ = JSON.parse($._), $ = [$.img, [$.year, ('0'+$.month).slice(-2),
('0'+$.day).slice(-2)].join('-') + ' | ' + $.safe_title + ' - ' + $.alt + ' ' +
return $;
This javascript function parses the JSON file and returns an array where the first element is the link and the second is the caption text displayed under the hoverzoomed image. If you return just a link then the caption will be the alt text of the link.
A simple use case is when you want to redirect from thumbnails to hires.
Like the filter for
This finds any wikimapia image that doesn't have big in the name.
Adds big to the url.
Some filters have links to API docs here.
Now, there's no documentation for this feature yet so I probably missed a lot, but hopfully it'll be enough.