Atom is able to open a project, and to show the whole tree of the project on the left side, a really nice feature.
Now I\'m using SSH on Host OS to access a Guest OS (sa
Complement to Remco's sshfs answer above:
If you use different users in the client and server hosts, consider using the 'idmap' option of sshfs.
I use different users in my working host and in the development or testing VMs.
using option '-o idmap=user' will automatically translate UID/GID of the remote host to the UID/GID of the connecting user in the local host
Files owned by remote user (devuser) in remote host (devhost1) will appear as belonging to the connecting user (locuser) in local host (clienthost)
locuser@clienthost:~$ sshfs devuser@devhost1:/var/www ~/dev/www -o idmap=user
locuser@clienthost:~$ ls -lR ~/dev/www
-rw-rw-r-- 1 locuser locuser 269 abr 1 11:37 index.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 locuser locuser 249 abr 3 03:59 page1.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 locuser locuser 1118 abr 2 15:07 page2.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 locuser locuser 847 abr 3 03:20 page3.html
The mapping can also be made explicit (userx <-> usery). For more details see man sshfs