I wasn\'t able to install an emulator to my android studio installation. So, I copied this link from the studio and downloaded the zip file. Now I need help on how to manually i
So I faced almost similar error today but it was about updating the emulator itself. Cause was the folder Android tried to download the file needed root permissions to access it. So here is what I did:
curl https://dl.google.com/android/repository/emulator-darwin-4899998.zip -o emulator-darwin-4899998.zip
sudo mkdir -p /var/folders/8t/kf42z0w94278zwm6x_wzll7c0000gp/T/PackageOperation03/
sudo chmod -Rfv 777 /var/folders/8t/kf42z0w94278zwm6x_wzll7c0000gp/T/PackageOperation03/
mv emulator-darwin-4899998.zip /var/folders/8t/kf42z0w94278zwm6x_wzll7c0000gp/T/PackageOperation03/