I\'ve got millions of geographic points. For each one of these, I want to find all \"neighboring points,\" i.e., all other points within some radius, say a few hundred meters.<
Tipped off by Eamon, I've come up with a simple solution using btrees implemented in SciPy.
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy import inf
max_distance = 0.0001 # Assuming lats and longs are in decimal degrees, this corresponds to 11.1 meters
points = [(lat1, long1), (lat2, long2) ... ]
tree = cKDTree(points)
point_neighbors_list = [] # Put the neighbors of each point here
for point in points:
distances, indices = tree.query(point, len(points), p=2, distance_upper_bound=max_distance)
point_neighbors = []
for index, distance in zip(indices, distances):
if distance == inf: