Given a sequence such as S = {1,8,2,1,4,1,2,9,1,8,4}, I need to find the minimal-length subsequence that contains all element of S (no duplicates, order does n
Here is an algorithm that requires O(N) time and O(N) space. It is similar to that one by Grigor Gevorgyan. It also uses an auxiliary O(N) array of flags. The algorithm finds the longest subsequence of unique elements. If bestLength < numUnique
then there is no subsequence containing all unique elements. The algorithm assumes that the elements are positive numbers and that the maximal element is less than the length of the sequence.
bool findLongestSequence() {
// Data (adapt as needed)
const int N = 13;
char flags[N];
int a[] = {1,8,2,1,4,1,2,9,1,8,1,4,1};
// Number of unique elements
int numUnique = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) flags[n] = 0; // clear flags
for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) {
if (a[n] < 0 || a[n] >= N) return false; // assumptions violated
if (flags[a[n]] == 0) {
flags[a[n]] = 1;
// Find the longest sequence ("best")
for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n) flags[n] = 0; // clear flags
int bestBegin = 0, bestLength = 0;
int begin = 0, end = 0, currLength = 0;
for (; begin < N; ++begin) {
while (end < N) {
if (flags[a[end]] == 0) {
flags[a[end]] = 1;
else {
break; // end-loop
if (currLength > bestLength) {
bestLength = currLength;
bestBegin = begin;
if (bestLength >= numUnique) {
break; // begin-loop
flags[a[begin]] = 0; // reset
cout << "numUnique = " << numUnique << endl;
cout << "bestBegin = " << bestBegin << endl;
cout << "bestLength = " << bestLength << endl;
return true; // longest subseqence found