Is it possible to use GDB or LLDB from the Terminal command-line under Mac OS X to debug apps running on the iOS Simulator? (e.g. not from within Xcode\'s GUI or console, but u
You'll need to have the app already in the simulator's Springboard; you can't launch the app in the simulator from Xcode and then expect to be able to have a command line instance of gdb attach to it.
% gdb ... (gdb) attach --waitfor 'Name Of Your App'
is executed. So you can set some breakpoints, or whatever. Then:(gdb) continue
The procedure for lldb
is similar:
% lldb (lldb) process attach -n 'Name Of Your App' --waitfor(lldb) continue
I am not sure why you'd want or need to do this, but as an old command line gdb (and dbx) guy, I can appreciate it. :-)