We’ll be releasing shortly a companion Rails application to our existing Rails app. We will be running the companion app alongside our existing app on the same servers.
I think what you want is share model,not only database table,in rails table is model based.
create main rails app -->rake g model User name:string->rake db:migrate
create shared rails app
-->rake sync:copy
-->(DO NOT generate same model in shared app, also do not db:migrate)
-->config/generater shared
controller and router.rb file(dependend your requirement)
namespace :sync do
desc 'Copy common models and tests from Master'
task :copy do
source_path = '/Users/ok/github/appDataTester/appmain'
dest_path = '/Users/ok/github/appDataTester/appshared'
# Copy all models & tests
%x{cp #{source_path}/app/models/*.rb #{dest_path}/app/models/}
%x{cp #{source_path}/test/models/*_test.rb #{dest_path}/test/models/}
# Fixtures
%x{cp #{source_path}/test/fixtures/*.yml #{dest_path}/test/fixtures/}
# Database YML
%x{cp #{source_path}/config/database.yml #{dest_path}/config/database.yml}