I asked this question for python 2 here, but bumped into the issue again when the the answer no longer worked for Python 3.2.3.
Here\'s code that works on Python 2.7.3:<
With a bit of digging, I was able to modify the Python 2 solution to work with Python 3. In Python2, it was necessary to temporarily overwrite Formatter._fmt
. In Python3, support for multiple format string types requires us to temporarily overwrite Formatter._style._fmt
# Custom formatter
class MyFormatter(logging.Formatter):
err_fmt = "ERROR: %(msg)s"
dbg_fmt = "DBG: %(module)s: %(lineno)d: %(msg)s"
info_fmt = "%(msg)s"
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(fmt="%(levelno)d: %(msg)s", datefmt=None, style='%')
def format(self, record):
# Save the original format configured by the user
# when the logger formatter was instantiated
format_orig = self._style._fmt
# Replace the original format with one customized by logging level
if record.levelno == logging.DEBUG:
self._style._fmt = MyFormatter.dbg_fmt
elif record.levelno == logging.INFO:
self._style._fmt = MyFormatter.info_fmt
elif record.levelno == logging.ERROR:
self._style._fmt = MyFormatter.err_fmt
# Call the original formatter class to do the grunt work
result = logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
# Restore the original format configured by the user
self._style._fmt = format_orig
return result
And here is Halloleo's example of how to use the above in your script (from the Python2 version of this question):
fmt = MyFormatter()
hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)