I want an RecyclerView in which we have vertical scrollable list of items. From this scrollable list of items some should have ability to scroll in horizontal direction. As show
Custom LayoutManagers
- StaticGridLayoutManager - 2D scrolling grid with variable column count based on data set. Window of visible (non-recycled) views is
determined statically.- DynamicGridLayoutManager - 2D scrolling grid where window of visible views is determined dynamically. Results in fewer views in memory, but scrolling performance is questionable.
I have met the same problem and I found this library. Maybe it will help you. https://github.com/devunwired/recyclerview-playground
More detail about RecyclerView LayoutManager: http://wiresareobsolete.com/2014/09/building-a-recyclerview-layoutmanager-part-1/
p/s: For your case http://lucasr.org/2014/07/31/the-new-twowayview/