I\'m using datatables and using bootstrap-daterangepicker to select a range for which data will be shown in Datatables.
It is working fine.
The problem is when I
Just add this parameter to your declaration:
"bDestroy" : true,
Then whenever you want to "recreate" the table it won't drop an error
P.S. You can create a function to get the required parameters and then reinitialize the table with different options at runtime.
For example I use this one in my programs, if it helps you can adapt it to your needs
initDataTable($('#tbl1'), 2, 'asc', false, false, 25, false, false, false, 'landscape', rptHdr); /* Initialize Table */
/*---------------------- Datatable initialization --------------------------- */ /* * @$table Table id which be initialized * @sortCol Column number that will be initially sortered * @sorOrder Ascendant (asc) or Descendant (desc) * @enFilter Boolean value to enable or not the filter option * @enPaginate Boolean value to enable or not the filter option * @dplyLength Number of records contained per page when pagination is enabled * @enInfo Boolean value to show or not the records info * @autoWidth Boolean value to enable or not table autowidth * @enTblTools Boolean value to enable or not the table tools addin * @pdfOrientation Page orientation (landscape, portrait) for pdf documents (required enTblTools == enabled) * @fileName Output file naming (required enTblTools == enabled) /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function initDataTable($table, sortCol, sortOrder, enFilter, enPaginate, dplyLength, enInfo, autoWidth, enTblTools, pdfOrientation, fileName) { var dom = (enTblTools) ? 'T' : ''; var oTable = $table.dataTable({ "order": [ [sortCol, sortOrder] ], "bDestroy": true, "bProcessing": true, "dom": dom, "bFilter": enFilter, "bSort": true, "bSortClasses": true, "bPaginate": enPaginate, "sPaginationType": "full_numbers", "iDisplayLength": dplyLength, "bInfo": enInfo, "bAutoWidth": autoWidth, "tableTools": { "aButtons": [{ "sExtends": "copy", "sButtonText": "Copy", "bHeader": true, "bFooter": true, "fnComplete": function(nButton, oConfig, oFlash, sFlash) { $().shownotify('showNotify', { text: 'Table copied to clipboard (no formatting)', sticky: false, position: 'middle-center', type: 'success', closeText: '' }); } }, { "sExtends": "csv", "sButtonText": "Excel (CSV)", "sToolTip": "Save as CSV file (no formatting)", "bHeader": true, "bFooter": true, "sTitle": fileName, "sFileName": fileName + ".csv", "fnComplete": function(nButton, oConfig, oFlash, sFlash) { $().shownotify('showNotify', { text: 'CSV file saved in selected location.', sticky: false, position: 'middle-center', type: 'success', closeText: '' }); } }, { "sExtends": "pdf", "sPdfOrientation": pdfOrientation, "bFooter": true, "sTitle": fileName, "sFileName": fileName + ".pdf", "fnComplete": function(nButton, oConfig, oFlash, sFlash) { $().shownotify('showNotify', { text: 'PDF file saved in selected location.', sticky: false, position: 'middle-center', type: 'success', closeText: '' }); } }, { "sExtends": "Other", "bShowAll": true, "sMessage": fileName, "sInfo": "Please press escape when done" } ] } /*"fnDrawCallback": function( oSettings ) {alert( 'DataTables has redrawn the table' );}*/ }); /* If is IE then avoid setting the sticky headers */ if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i) && enPaginate == false) { new $.fn.dataTable.FixedHeader(oTable); } return oTable }