I\'ve begun writing a game using XNA Framework and have hit some simple problem I do not know how to solve correctly.
I\'m displaying a menu using Texture2D and using th
I thought the previous answers were a bit over-complicated, so I'm giving this one here...
Copy the KeyPress class below in a new file, declare the KeyPress variables, initialize them in your Initialize() method. From there you can do if ([yourkey].IsPressed()) ...
Note: this answer works only for Keyboard input, but it should be easily ported to Gamepad or any other input. I think keeping the code for the different types of input separate is better.
public class KeyPress
public KeyPress(Keys Key)
key = Key;
isHeld = false;
public bool IsPressed { get { return isPressed(); } }
public static void Update() { state = Keyboard.GetState(); }
private Keys key;
private bool isHeld;
private static KeyboardState state;
private bool isPressed()
if (state.IsKeyDown(key))
if (isHeld) return false;
isHeld = true;
return true;
if (isHeld) isHeld = false;
return false;
// Declare variable
KeyPress escape;
// Initialize()
escape = new KeyPress(Keys.Escape)
// Update()
if (escape.IsPressed())
I might be wrong, but I think my answer is easier on resources than the accepted answer and also more readable!