I\'m writing a command line tool with Swift and I\'m having trouble displaying colors in my shell. I\'m using the following code:
struct Colors {
static let reset = "\u{001B}[0;0m"
static let black = "\u{001B}[0;30m"
static let red = "\u{001B}[0;31m"
static let green = "\u{001B}[0;32m"
static let yellow = "\u{001B}[0;33m"
static let blue = "\u{001B}[0;34m"
static let magenta = "\u{001B}[0;35m"
static let cyan = "\u{001B}[0;36m"
static let white = "\u{001B}[0;37m"
print(Colors.yellow + "Please Enter the Output Directory Name:" + Colors.reset)
print(Colors.yellow + "Please " + Colors.blue + "Enter " + Colors.magenta + "the Output Directory Name:" + Colors.reset)