I\'m trying to write a networked game with Pygame and asyncio, but I can\'t work out how to avoid hanging on reads. Here is my code for the client:
You can "transform" a blocking task into a non-blocking one.
I suggest this: https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-eventloop.html#executor.
I have a function that listens to a twitter feed, function "mention", and I run it in an executor, so if it hangs, it doesn't block the other tasks.
def boucle_deux():
#faire attendre la boucle si pas bcp de mots
while True:
print("debut du deux")
value = t.next()
future2 = loop.run_in_executor(None, mention, "LQNyL2xvt9OQMvje7jryaHkN8",
"53R8GAAncFJ1aHA1yJe1OICfjqUbqwcMR38wSqvbzsQMB", 23, value)
response2 = yield from future2
yield from asyncio.sleep(5)
print("fin du deux")