I have a mulitdimensional array like so:
[name, age, date, gender]
[name, age, date, gender]
I\'m wondering the best way to sort
As I understand it you want to order by age first, and then if more than one record has the same age, arrange that subset by name.
This works for me
people = [
["bob", 15, "male"],
["alice", 25, "female"],
["bob", 56, "male"],
["dave", 45, "male"],
["alice", 56, "female"],
["adam", 15, "male"]
people.sort{|a,b| (a[1] <=> b[1]) == 0 ? (a[0] <=> b[0]) : (a[1] <=> b[1]) }
# The sorted array is
[["adam", 15, "male"],
["bob", 15, "male"],
["alice", 25, "female"],
["dave", 45, "male"],
["alice", 56, "female"],
["bob", 56, "male"]]
What this is doing is comparing by age first, and if the age is the same (<=> returs 0) it comparing the name.