\"installing Zend Framework is so easy!!!!\" yeah right...
Ok I\'m working with a beginner\'s book and the ONE thing that is not excessively detailed is the most importa
Gal - I had the same problem. We must be working on the same book this weekend.
I solved the project-creation problem when I figured out that in the terminal window, you need to first navigate to the PHP home directory you created.
So in other words if you are in the PHP5 folder, type "zf create project c:/Apache/htdocs/projectname"
I had the same issue re: missing php.exe file until I figured this out.
That's the good news. The bad news is you're going to have similar problems when you try setting up Controllers and Actions, and my fix won't work for this. I still haven't figured this out, so I'll post again with more info and perhaps the others can help.