What does __OBJC__
mean in Objective C?
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <
It means the objective C compiler is being used. So you can create hybrid header files that can be used when compiling objective C or C or C++.
You could use it in a header file like this, if you wanted to publish a header file that defined an objective c object that you wanted to make available to c and c++ programmers/code :
#ifndef MYHEADER_H
#define MYHEADER_H
#ifdef __OBJC__
// Put objective C things in this block
// This is an objc object implemented in a .m or .mm file
@implementation some_objc_object {
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define CLINKAGE "C"
// c++ things that .m or .c files wont understand go in here
// This class, in a .mm file, would be able to call the obj-c objects methods
// but present a c++ interface that could be called from c++ code in .cc or .cpp
// files
class SomeClassThatWrapsAnObjCObject
id idTheObject;
// ...
// and here you can declare c functions and structs
// this function could be used from a .c file to call to a .m file and do something
// with the object identified by id obj
extern CLINKAGE somefunction(id obj, ...);
#endif // MYHEADER_H