I\'m trying to install tensorflow r0.11. I tried
pip install tensorflow==r0.11
pip install tensorflow<0.12
But I get this error
You can install the pip wheel from a URL directly, for example:
# Ubuntu/Linux 64-bit, CPU only, Python 2.7
export TF_BINARY_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/cpu/tensorflow-0.11.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
In general, installation instructions for older versions of TensorFlow can be found at :
For binaries for installation using wheels:
Go to tensorflow pypi release history, select the release of your choice, say tensorflow 1.8.0
, go to Download files and either download the wheel file and then install or copy the download link and save in TF_BINARY_URL
for your python --version
and os [mac, linux or windows] install as shown above