What is an idiomatic way to assign a timeout to WaitGroup.Wait() ?
The reason I want to do this, is to safeguard my \'scheduler\' from potentially awaiting an errant \'w
This is not an actual answer to this question but was the (much simpler) solution to my little problem when I had this question.
My 'workers' were doing http.Get() requests so I just set the timeout on the http client.
urls := []string{"http://1.jpg", "http://2.jpg"}
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, url := range urls {
go func(url string) {
client := http.Client{
Timeout: time.Duration(3 * time.Second), // only want very fast responses
resp, err := client.Get(url)
//... check for errors
//... do something with the image when there are no errors