One of the requirements in an application that I am building is for a form input which takes in a varying number of items for a single field. For instance, sports that I play ar
Laravel 4.2
@SamMonk gave the best alternative, I followed his example and build the final piece of code
In my project I'm going to have many table relationships like this so I wrote an extension to keep it clean. To load it, put it in some configuration file like "app/start/global.php". I've created a file "macros.php" under "app/" directory and included it in the EOF of global.php
// app/start/global.php
require app_path().'/macros.php';
// macros.php
Form::macro("chosen", function($name, $defaults = array(), $selected = array(), $options = array()){
// For empty Input::old($name) session, $selected is an empty string
if(!$selected) $selected = array();
$opts = array(
'class' => 'chosen-select',
'id' => $name,
'name' => $name . '[]',
'multiple' => true
$options = array_merge($opts, $options);
$attributes = HTML::attributes($options);
// need an empty array to send if all values are unselected
$ret = '';
$ret .= '';
return $ret;
List without pre-selected items (create view)
{{ Form::chosen('places', $places, Input::old('places')) }}
Preselections (edit view)
{{ Form::chosen('places', $places, $job->places) }}
Complete usage
{{ Form::chosen('places', $places, $job->places, ['multiple': false, 'title': 'I\'m a selectbox', 'class': 'bootstrap_is_mainstream']) }}