Sorry to come up with this topic again, as there are soo many other questions already related - but none that covers my problem directly.
What I\'m searching is a good v
Update May 2017:
Git, with the addition of GVFS (Git Virtual File System), can support virtually any number of files of any size (starting with the Windows repository itself: "The largest Git repo on the planet" (3.5M files, 320GB).
This is not yet >1TB, but it can scale there.
The work done with GVFS is slowly proposed upstream (that is to Git itself), but that is still a work in progress.
GVFS is implement on Windows, but will soon be done for Mac (because the team at Windows developing Office for Mac demands it), and Linux.
April 2015
Git can actually be considered as a viable VCS for large data, with Git Large File Storage (LFS) (by GitHub, april 2015).
git-lfs (see can be tested with a server supporting it: lfs-test-server (or directly with itself):
You can store metadata only in the git repo, and the large file elsewhere.