What I Have
I have an arrow image (like the left one). Whe
If you want to rotate an image by 180 degrees clockwise.
private var isExpanded = true
private fun rotateImage(view: View) {
val startAngle = if (isExpanded) 0f else 180f
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, View.ROTATION, startAngle, startAngle + 180f).apply {
duration = 300
interpolator = LinearInterpolator()
isExpanded = !isExpanded
Or more simply (as wrote @Alex.F):
Note that if you rotate the image many times too frequently, it doesn't stop in 0 - 180 - 360 positions. Because if you start a new animation before a previous finished, it will shift an angle.
So, a better way is written in the accepted answer. It doesn't depend on current animation state.
private var angle = 0f
angle += 180f