I\'ve installed the latest vim using homebrew and also installed mac-vim from the google code homepage. in mac-vim everything works fine. but when I run vim in terminal.app in m
None of the above worked for me. Running vim in blank state with vim -u NONE -U NONE -N
made it work ok, and because I had not installed any plugins, I knew problem is in my vimrc. So I started commenting out sections from it, and at one moment problem disappeared.
The culprit was this line: inoremap
Even though it was recommended in a very well written course (http://learnvimscriptthehardway.stevelosh.com/chapters/10.html), it broke the arrow keys on Mac OS X 10.10. Basically, you shouldn't overwrite esc, as the other SO answer explains: How to disable Esc and cursor keys in vim