I am struggling with an issue regarding CGAffineTransform scale and translation where when I set a transform in an animation block on a view that already has a transform the vie
I dont know why, but this code can work
I successfully combine scale, translate, and rotation together, from any transform state to any new transform state.
I think the transform is reinterpreted at the start of the animation.
the anchor of start transform is considered in new transform, and then we convert it to old transform.
self.v = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50))
self.v?.backgroundColor = .blue
func buttonPressed() {
let view = self.v!
let m1 = view.transform
let tempScale = CGFloat(arc4random()%10)/10 + 1.0
let tempRotae:CGFloat = 1
let m2 = m1.translatedBy(x: CGFloat(arc4random()%30), y: CGFloat(arc4random()%30)).scaledBy(x: tempScale, y: tempScale).rotated(by:tempRotae)
self.animationViewToNewTransform(view: view, newTranform: m2)
func animationViewToNewTransform(view: UIView, newTranform: CGAffineTransform) {
// 1. pointInView.apply(view.transform) is not correct point.
// the real matrix is mAnchorToOrigin.inverted().concatenating(m1).concatenating(mAnchorToOrigin)
// 2. animation begin trasform is relative to final transform in final transform coordinate
// anchor and mAnchor
let normalizedAnchor0 = view.layer.anchorPoint
let anchor0 = CGPoint(x: normalizedAnchor0.x * view.bounds.width, y: normalizedAnchor0.y * view.bounds.height)
let mAnchor0 = CGAffineTransform.identity.translatedBy(x: anchor0.x, y: anchor0.y)
// 0->1->2
//let origin = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
//let m0 = CGAffineTransform.identity
let m1 = view.transform
let m2 = newTranform
// rotate and scale relative to anchor, not to origin
let matrix1 = mAnchor0.inverted().concatenating(m1).concatenating(mAnchor0)
let matrix2 = mAnchor0.inverted().concatenating(m2).concatenating(mAnchor0)
let anchor1 = anchor0.applying(matrix1)
let mAnchor1 = CGAffineTransform.identity.translatedBy(x: anchor1.x, y: anchor1.y)
let anchor2 = anchor0.applying(matrix2)
let txty2 = CGPoint(x: anchor2.x - anchor0.x, y: anchor2.y - anchor0.y)
let txty2plusAnchor2 = CGPoint(x: txty2.x + anchor2.x, y: txty2.y + anchor2.y)
let anchor1InM2System = anchor1.applying(matrix2.inverted()).applying(mAnchor0.inverted())
let txty2ToM0System = txty2plusAnchor2.applying(matrix2.inverted()).applying(mAnchor0.inverted())
let txty2ToM1System = txty2ToM0System.applying(mAnchor0).applying(matrix1).applying(mAnchor1.inverted())
var m1New = m1
m1New.tx = txty2ToM1System.x + anchor1InM2System.x
m1New.ty = txty2ToM1System.y + anchor1InM2System.y
view.transform = m1New
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.4) {
view.transform = m2
I also try the zScale solution, it seems also work if set zScale non-1 at the first transform or at every transform
let oldTransform = view.layer.transform
let tempScale = CGFloat(arc4random()%10)/10 + 1.0
var newTransform = CATransform3DScale(oldTransform, tempScale, tempScale, 1.01)
newTransform = CATransform3DTranslate(newTransform, CGFloat(arc4random()%30), CGFloat(arc4random()%30), 0)
newTransform = CATransform3DRotate(newTransform, 1, 0, 0, 1)
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1.4) {
view.layer.transform = newTransform