I want store a list of doubles and ints to a ByteBuffer, which asks for a size to allocate. I\'d like to write something like C\'s syntax
int size=numDouble*size
Write your own method. In Java the datatypes are platform independent always the same size:
public static int sizeof(Class dataType)
if (dataType == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (dataType == int.class || dataType == Integer.class) return 4;
if (dataType == short.class || dataType == Short.class) return 2;
if (dataType == byte.class || dataType == Byte.class) return 1;
if (dataType == char.class || dataType == Character.class) return 2;
if (dataType == long.class || dataType == Long.class) return 8;
if (dataType == float.class || dataType == Float.class) return 4;
if (dataType == double.class || dataType == Double.class) return 8;
return 4; // 32-bit memory pointer...
// (I'm not sure how this works on a 64-bit OS)
int size = numDouble * sizeof(double.class) + numInt * sizeof(int.class);