I am trying to install the R package nloptr on a CentOS Linux machine that doesn\'t have internet connection as follows:
I had exactly the same problem, on a production machine without direct Internet access, with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago). The fixups proposed above did not work: when installing the nlopt library on the system, the subsequent attempt to install nloptr fail with the "nlopt_set_maxtime" error. I tried to fiddle with compilation options for nlopt, to no avail. I even reproduced the problem on a Ubuntu machine with Internet connection: I uninstalled nloptr, installed nlopt on the system and then the nloptr installation failed.
At last I solved the issue taking the following steps:
Edit "nloptr/configure", comment out the row
$("${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript" --vanilla -e "download.file(url='${NLOPT_URL}', destfile='${NLOPT_TGZ}')")
and insert a new row:
$("${R_HOME}/bin/Rscript" --vanilla -e "file.copy(from='/tmp/nlopt-2.4.2.tar.gz', to='${NLOPT_TGZ}')")
Install with "R CMD INSTALL nloptr".