I would like to enhance existing class using instance_eval. There original definition contains validation, which require presence of certain fields, ie:
class Du
For rails 4.2 (~ 5.0) it can be used the following module with a method:
module ValidationCancel
def cancel_validates *attributes
attributes.select {|v| Symbol === v }.each do |attr|
self._validators.delete( attr )
self._validate_callbacks.select do |callback|
callback.raw_filter.try( :attributes ) == [ attr ] ;end
.each do |vc|
self._validate_callbacks.delete( vc ) ;end ;end ;end ;end
Note: Since the filtern can be a symbol of an association, or a specific validator, so we have to use #try
Then we can use rails-friendly form in a class declaration:
class Dummy
extend ValidationCancel
cancel_validates :field ;end
Note: since removal of the validator is affecting to the whole class and its descendants globally, it is not recommended to use it to remove validations in such way, instead add if
clause for the specific rule as follows:
module ValidationCancel
def cancel_validates *attributes
this = self
attributes.select {|v| Symbol === v }.each do |attr|
self._validate_callbacks.select do |callback|
callback.raw_filter.try( :attributes ) == [ attr ] ;end
.each do |vc|
ifs = vc.instance_variable_get( :@if )
ifs << proc { ! self.is_a?( this ) } ;end ;end ;end ;end
This restricts execution of the validation callback for the specified class and its descendants.