How do I run only Test 3
from the following tests?
module.exports = {
\'Test 1\':function(){},
\'Test 2\':function(){}
\'Test 3\':function(){}
You must use specific tags before function and separate all functions in diferent files under tests directory, and then call command with --tag argument. See wiki nightwatch tags page and watch this example:
// --- file1.js ---
module.exports = {
tags: ['login'],
'Test 1':function(){
//TODO test 1
// --- file2.js ---
module.exports = {
tags: ['special', 'createUser'],
'Test 2':function(){
//TODO test 2
// --- file3.js ---
module.exports = {
tags: ['logoff', 'special'],
'Test 3':function(){
//TODO test 3
If you run:
nightwatch.js --tag login
only runs Test 1, however if you run:
nightwatch.js --tag special
Test 2 and Test 3 will be executed.
You can specific more than one tag
nightwatch.js --tag tag1 --tag tag2
Separate each test function is mandatory because Nightwatch handled with filematcher each file. See Github code.
PD: If file has syntax errors, is possible that test don't run or test hasn't been found