I am using JQuery ui with datepicker and when a user tabs on to a field, they appropriately get the calendar pop up.
I had to solve this problem as well and found that the given answers weren't exactly what I was looking for. Here is what I did.
A blog mentioned a jQuery function that would allow you to select the next form element on the screen. I imported that into my project and called it onClose of the datepicker dialog.
In case the link goes dead, here is the function
$.fn.focusNextInputField = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var fields = $(this).parents('form:eq(0),body').find('button,input,textarea,select');
var index = fields.index( this );
if ( index > -1 && ( index + 1 ) < fields.length ) {
fields.eq( index + 1 ).focus();
return false;
Then simply called it onClose of the datepicker
onClose: function () {
Hope this helps future visitors.