I\'m pushing and popping ViewControllers in UINavigationController.
I\'m tracking the memory consumption of my app. While pushing the new viewController the memory consu
I would like to say, that my last few days were spent on searching the web for my app memory problem. I was switching between 2 UIViewControllers. One of them had a scroll view which kept all subviews on it. It turned out that that UIVC loads a new scroll view without releasing the previous one. It took me several hours to realize it.
What I did was:
Looking for any kind of deadlocks inside the app, then searching for every variable that had a strong atributte and other desperate measures. But what really worked was:
@IBAction func backBB(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
eventsPhotos.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)
dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {})
I manually removed some views and contents. I've done it in "Back" button but you can do this in other methods like viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool).
Once I made this, my allocation chart in the developer instruments showed the memory allocation going up and down... And it was solved...