I am capturing a unique_ptr in a lambda expression this way:
auto str = make_unique(\"my string\");
auto lambda = [ capturedStr = std::move(str)
auto lambda = [ capturedStr = std::move(str) ] {
cout << *capturedStr.get() << endl;
auto str2 = std::move(capturedStr); // <--- Not working, why?
To give more detail the compiler is effectively making this transformation:
class NameUpToCompiler
unique_ptr capturedStr; // initialized from move assignment in lambda capture expression
void operator()() const
cout << *capturedStr.get() << endl;
auto str2 = std::move(capturedStr); // move will alter member 'captureStr' but can't because of const member function.
The use of mutable on the lambda will remove the const from the operator() member function therefore allowing the members to be altered.