class A(): pass
a = A()
b = A()
a.b = b
b.c = 1
a.b # this is b
getattr(a, \"b\") # so is this
a.b.c # this is 1
getattr(a, \"b.c\") # this raises an Attrib
You can call the multiple getattr without calling a function within function by splitting the dot operators and performing a getattr() for each dot operator
def multi_getattr(self,obj, attr, default = None):
attributes = attr.split(".")
for i in attributes:
obj = getattr(obj, i)
except AttributeError:
if default:
return default
return obj
If suppose you wish to call a.b.c.d you can do it via a.multi_getattr('b.c.d'). This will generalise the operation without worrying about the count of dot operation one has in the string.