I am using Ruby on Rails 3.0.10 and I would like to build an hash key\\value pairs in a conditional way. That is, I would like to add a key and its related value if a condition
Using fetch can be useful if you're populating a hash from optional attributes somewhere else. Look at this example:
def create_watchable_data(attrs = {})
return WatchableData.new({
id: attrs.fetch(:id, '/catalog/titles/breaking_bad_2_737'),
titles: attrs.fetch(:titles, ['737']),
url: attrs.fetch(:url, 'http://www.netflix.com/shows/breaking_bad/3423432'),
year: attrs.fetch(:year, '1993'),
watchable_type: attrs.fetch(:watchable_type, 'Show'),
season_title: attrs.fetch(:season_title, 'Season 2'),
show_title: attrs.fetch(:id, 'Breaking Bad')