My company has a large C# code base. Well over half of this code is our core engine for creating, reading, modifying, calculating
Joe Erickson wrote:
Making it easier to run C# code on the Java platform means more developers and more software for the platform.
This is an untrue statement. Running C# code on the JVM does not create Java programmers, it creates C# programmers who can execute on a JVM. It only expands the reach of C#, assuming the JVM also translates any microsoft specific calls (i.e. win32) into something that is platform neutral. So if Sun translates IL to Java Bytecode, the only group it helps is: Microsoft. And, given Sun's history with Microsoft during the original C#-Java schism/Visual J++ lawsuits...
Plus, you have to face the technical infeasibility, whether you want to or not. There are fundamental differences in the way the bytecodes are executed that are far more important issues than whether or not there's an unsigned long datatype.
If you must have C# on a non-Microsoft platform, use Mono