Suppose I have cloned a Git repository to my local disk using:
git clone
Now suppose that git.ex
Without --mirror
, The clone will not be a complete backup.
Any line of work not visible in git branch -r
will be elided from the clone.
Witness a simple repo.
$ git init G
$ cd G
$ for f in 1 2 3 4; do date >1 && git add 1 && git commit -m $f; sleep 1.1; done
$ git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate
* 3c111bd (HEAD -> master) 4
* a08fea4 3
* d5c8d73 2
* 802856b 1
Add a branch:
$ git checkout d5c8d73
HEAD is now at d5c8d73... 2
$ git branch starts-at-2
$ git checkout starts-at-2
Switched to branch 'starts-at-2'
$ for f in 1 2 3 4; do date >1 && git add 1 && git commit -m 2-$f; sleep 1.1; done
$ git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate
* 6bb05bf (HEAD -> starts-at-2) 2-4
* fe1b635 2-3
* a9323fb 2-2
* 33502af 2-1
| * 3c111bd (master) 4
| * a08fea4 3
* d5c8d73 2
* 802856b 1
Clone the repo.
$ cd ..
$ git clone G G2
Cloning into 'G2'...
$ cd G2
$ git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate
* 6bb05bf (HEAD -> starts-at-2, origin/starts-at-2, origin/HEAD) 2-4
* fe1b635 2-3
* a9323fb 2-2
* 33502af 2-1
| * 3c111bd (origin/master) 4
| * a08fea4 3
* d5c8d73 2
* 802856b 1
Fine. Clone again.
$ cd ..
$ git clone G2 G3
$ cd G3
$ git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate
* 6bb05bf (HEAD -> starts-at-2, origin/starts-at-2, origin/HEAD) 2-4
* fe1b635 2-3
* a9323fb 2-2
* 33502af 2-1
* d5c8d73 2
* 802856b 1