Any idea to view the log files of a crashed pod in kubernetes? My pod is listing it\'s state as \"CrashLoopBackOff\" after started the replicationController. I search the availa
In many cases, kubectl logs
is returning:
Error from server (BadRequest): previous terminated container "" in pod "" not found
So you can try to check in the namespace's events (kubectl get events ..
) like @alltej showed.
If you don't find the reason for the error with kubectl logs / get events
and you can't view it with external logging tool I would suggest:
1 ) Check on which node that pod was running on with:
$kubectl get -n pod,STATUS:.status.phase,NODE:.spec.nodeName
failed-pod-name Pending dns-of-node
(If you remove the
you can see other pods in the namespace).
2 ) SSH into that node and:
A ) Search for the failed pod container name in /var/log/containers/
and dump its .log
file and search for errors - in most of the cases the cause of error will be displayed there alongside with the actions / events that took place before the error.
B ) If previous step doesn't help try searching for latest System level errors by running:
sudo journalctl -u kubelet -n 100 --no-pager